Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms

Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs as a result of inflammation of a nerve called the median nerve. This nerve provides sensation to the first 4 fingers of our hand. Therefore, in the early period carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms As a result, the first complaint of the patients is numbness, electricity, tingling and pain in the hands.

The most typical feature of these pains is that they occur especially at night. If men or women over the age of thirty who work in a profession that uses their hands a lot have numbness or tingling in their hands, they should definitely think of eagle tunnel syndrome. The earlier the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome is made, the easier it is to treat. After passing this stage, pain and numbness can often spread to the wrist, from the wrist to the elbow, from the pole to the shoulder, and even to the patient's neck. When this happens, it can often be confused with a cervical disc herniation.

Content of the article

  1. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms
  2. What Are the Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
  3. What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
  4. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment
  5. Frequently Asked Questions About Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

What Are the Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

The symptoms that occur as a result of carpal tunnel syndrome occur as a result of the normal functions of the median nerve being affected. If this nerve, which undertakes tasks related to movement and sensation of a part of the hand, is affected, some symptoms occur in the person. Carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms can be listed as follows;

  • Pain and tingling in the thumb, index finger and middle finger
  • Pain, tingling and warmth starting from the wrist and extending to the arm
  • Feeling of weakness in hand muscles
  • Numbness in the first three fingers of the hand
  • Increased pain when the arm moves
  • Symptoms such as wrist pain, which can be severe enough to wake up from sleep, are observed.

What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms The most common pain in the wrist is caused by excessive pressure on the median nerve. This can cause inflammation and swelling. Some of the most common diseases associated with carpal tunnel syndrome can be listed as follows:

  • Diabetes
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptomsthyroid dysfunction
  • Fluid retention due to pregnancy or menopause
  • Hypertension
  • Autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis
  • It can be seen due to wrist fractures or trauma.

In addition, there are some conditions that may affect the swelling and compression of the median nerves. We can give examples of these reasons as follows:

  • Wrist positioning incorrectly while using the keyboard or mouse
  • Exposure to vibration for long periods of time when using power tools
  • Examples include repetitive movements that overextend your wrist.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome, like any disease, is treated according to its degree. In the first stage, patients are given medications to strengthen the crushed nerve in the wrist. In more advanced cases of carpal tunnel syndrome, patients may be fitted with a splint or internal procedures or physical therapy may be performed by physical therapists. Surgical method is applied to patients who are too advanced to control their hands. The surgical method is performed through a hole the size of a grain of rice in the wrist and is completed within approximately 5 minutes. The patient can return home after the procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions About Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

At what ages is it more common?

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome is more common in men and women between the ages of 40-60.

What Happens If Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Is Untreated?

  • In order to get positive results in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome, a definitive diagnosis must be made. If the damage is not treated or if the treatment is delayed, advanced nerve damage will occur and serious problems will arise in its treatment. As a result of this situation, disability or permanent damage may occur.

Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome a Hereditary Disease?

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome is not a hereditary disease.