Hallux Valgus
Topic Summary: hallux valgus It is genetically transmitted in family members. Although it is more common in people who wear high heels and tight shoes, it is also seen in people with foot problems, Achilles tendon shortening, weight problems and various rheumatism problems. Also called thumb protrusion hallux valgus It is a deformity that protrudes from the side of the big toe. It is a condition that is more common in women than in men. It is generally seen in women after the age of 30-40. This protrusion in the foot makes it difficult for the patient to wear shoes and walk. Painful calluses may develop on the soles of the patient's feet due to pressing problems. Content of the article There are several different reasons why patients experience hallux valgus disease. These; hallux valgus The diagnosis is made with a physical examination, and two-way anterior and posterior foot radiographs are taken and examination is performed. According to the resulting data, a diagnosis is made and the most appropriate treatment method for the patient is decided. In addition, the patient's disease history also plays an important role in making the diagnosis. The specific image that occurs on the thumb is a determining factor in diagnosis. In order for this to be checked, it will be sufficient for the patient to show his foot to the doctor. Disorders occurring in the feet must be treated by specialist orthopedic doctors. The treatment plan for hallux valgus is generally created depending on the patient's age, clinical findings, the patient's expectations and the reason why the problem occurs. This treatment is divided into two groups: surgical and conservative. Generally, most patients diagnosed with hallux valgus undergo surgical treatment. In cases where there is not much progress at the beginning of the disease and the patient is not complaining much, treatment methods can be used such as orthopedic materials and various apparatus that are effective in correcting the deformity and preventing further deformity. The main treatment for the resulting bone protrusion and deformity is surgical correction. However, simply shaving the protrusion bone is usually insufficient as it is not a solution to the mechanical problem, and diseases begin to recur. Therefore, you should consult a specialist orthopedic doctor. The pictures below show the foot shapes of hallux valgus patients in different shapes due to different reasons. Treatment options vary depending on the patient. Appropriate treatment methods are applied to each patient depending on the cause. Hallux valgus is a disease that progresses over time. This progressive disease can be treated with surgical and non-surgical methods. Non-surgical treatments can be applied in the early stages of hallux valgus disease.
Hallux valgus disease is a health problem that is usually passed on genetically between family members. While narrow high-heeled shoes play a role in the development of some patients, the disorder was observed in a group of patients despite wearing comfortable shoes without wide heels.
Choosing the wrong shoe can cause swelling and protrusion on the side of the big toe. Known as hallux valgus, this protrusion, in addition to its appearance, can cause serious pain and foot problems that require surgery if left untreated.
The degree of the disease is measured by the evaluation made by the physiotherapist. First, the patient's foot is examined while walking and then when the patient steps on the ground. At this time, the extent of the disease is determined.
What are the reasons?
How to Diagnose Hallux Valgus?
In Whom Is It Seen More?
Treatment Methods
Frequently asked Questions
Can Hallux Valgus Be Corrected Without Surgery?
Is Hallux Valgus Genetic?
What Happens If It Is Not Treated?
How to Measure the Degree of Disease?