What is Frozen Shoulder Syndrome?

What is Frozen Shoulder Syndrome?

Hardening and compression of the ligaments and capsule around the shoulder joint frozen shoulder syndrome It is called. This condition leads to loss of movement of the shoulder due to inflammation of the soft tissues around the joint.

What are the symptoms of Frozen Shoulder Syndrome?

What is Frozen Shoulder Syndrome?

It starts as a mild pain in the outer and upper part of the shoulder and increases over time. The pain is usually felt deep in the shoulder. An increasing limitation in movements is observed. In particular, it becomes difficult to lift the shoulder up, pull it back, or move it sideways.

frozen shoulder syndrome People with it often experience more pain during the night. This pain can disrupt sleep. The muscles in the area may weaken, making further use of the shoulder difficult. Range of motion decreases, which can make it difficult to do daily activities and tasks.

What are the factors that cause frozen shoulder syndrome?

frozen shoulder syndrome It is generally more common in individuals over the age of 40. The aging process can cause changes in the soft tissues of the joint.

It is more common in women than in men. The risk of the syndrome is higher in diabetic patients. Diabetes can cause hardening of the tissues of the joint.

After shoulder injuries or surgery, there may be inflammation and stiffness in the tissues around the joint. Weak or unused surrounding muscles frozen shoulder syndrome increases the risk.

Diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis lead to inflammation and textural changes in the joint. Calcium accumulation (calcification) in the tendons in the shoulder may cause the condition.

Not using the joint or constantly keeping it in the same position can increase the risk. Familial predisposition may cause the development of the syndrome. Some health problems, such as heart disease, stroke, thyroid problems, can increase the risk.

frozen shoulder syndrome It can develop in several different stages. Many times, no obvious cause can be identified. Treatment may vary depending on the severity of symptoms and their cause. If you are experiencing symptoms, it is important to see a healthcare professional and receive appropriate treatment.

What are the Treatment Methods for Frozen Shoulder Syndrome?

What is Frozen Shoulder Syndrome?

Physical therapists use special exercises to strengthen the shoulder muscles and joint and increase range of motion.

Doctors sometimes give corticosteroid injections into the joint. These injections can reduce pain and inflammation.

Warm compresses or cold packs can be used to relieve pain and relax muscles.

The physical therapist creates a special exercise program to increase shoulder range of motion and strengthen the muscles. It is important to receive movement training to protect your shoulder and avoid incorrect movements.

In some cases, physical therapy methods such as ultrasound or electrotherapy may be used. Massage therapy can be used to relax muscles and increase blood circulation.

Special tapes can be used to support the shoulder and relieve pain. frozen shoulder syndrome In severe cases or if other treatment methods do not work, surgery may be considered. Surgical intervention attempts to correct stiffness and tightness in the joint.

Treatment methods for the syndrome may vary depending on the person's specific condition and symptoms. It would be best to determine your treatment plan by consulting with an orthopedic and traumatology specialist. In addition, you should follow your doctor's recommendations and exercise regularly throughout the treatment process.