What is Hip Prosthesis?
By: Assoc. Dr. ancestor
What is Hip Prosthesis?
Hip prosthesis is the replacement of the hip joint with artificial joints due to various reasons. The main reasons are deterioration of the hip joint structure as a result of hip calcification, damage to the hip joint as a result of serious trauma such as a traffic accident or work accident, and situations that occur in later years as a result of neglect and untreated congenital hip dislocation. While the damaged or damaged part of the hip joint can be replaced, it is possible to replace both sides of the hip joint with artificial joints, which is referred to as total hip prosthesis. While the body of hip prostheses generally consists of titanium and cobalt chrome, plastic, metal and ceramic materials can be used on the surfaces.
Intense pain may occur as a result of wear and tear of the hip joint, especially due to arthritis. This causes limitations in the patient's movements and negatively affects his daily life. While hip replacement surgeries provide successful results with technological developments, they also increase the comfort of the patient in daily life. However, after a successful and trouble-free hip replacement surgery, these prostheses can be used for approximately 25-30 years. Today, the use of low-wear surfaces increases the life of the prosthesis.