What is Meniscus? How Are Meniscus Tears Treated?
By: Assoc. Dr. ancestor
What is Meniscus? How Are Meniscus Tears Treated?
Menisci are two C-shaped cartilage structures located between the calf bone and shin bone in the knee, which help carry load and ensure joint harmony. One is inside and one is outside. The outer one is called the external meniscus and the inner one is called the inner meniscus. When meniscus tears are evaluated according to age groups; While it may rupture in young people due to major trauma and overload, it may occur as the age progresses, after the age of 50-60, due to wear and tear in the meniscus. One of the most important causes of early meniscus tears is overload. It can generally tear during rotation and bending of the knee. Symptoms of meniscus tears include pain in the knee, swelling in the knee, and limitations in movement.
Meniscus tears are one of the most common knee problems in orthopedic practice. Patients generally present with pain due to meniscus tears. Not every meniscus tear can be operated on. First of all, the patient's condition is determined after the necessary examination and tests such as MRI. The most appropriate treatment option is determined according to the type of tear. While meniscus tears diagnosed at an early stage can be treated with non-surgical methods called observation periods such as rest and cold application, meniscus repair or removal of the torn piece may be possible depending on the condition of the meniscus tear. After meniscus surgery performed with arthroscopic surgery, the patient can return to daily life in the early period.