Topic Summary: Arthroscopy It is applied in various joint treatments such as knee, shoulder, elbow, ankle, wrist, big toe and thumb.
The purpose of this treatment method is to treat the disorder in the joint without opening the joint. When the joint is treated by opening it, post-operative healing processes are prolonged and many complications such as joint movement restriction may occur. With today's advanced technology, it is possible to enter the joints through only two or three small holes and see everything with a camera. At the same time, if repair, reconstruction or removal of the damaged structure is required, it can be done arthroscopically. It is one of the most frequently performed orthopedic surgeries in the last thirty years.
In what cases is it performed on the knee joint?
- Treatment of meniscus tear
- cartilage transplant
- In joint inflammations
- Treatment of fractures within the joint
- Stretching tense ligaments
- In the treatment of damage to articular cartilage
- In case of recurrence of shoulder dislocations
- When infection and edema occur in the knee
- Anterior and posterior cruciate ligament injuries
- Movement limitation resulting from trauma
- It is applied in diseases related to synovial tissue.
Some of the complications that may occur in the patient after knee arthroscopy surgery include high fever, pain that lasts for a while, discharge, excessive swelling of the surgical area, and redness and fever in the knee area.
Frequently asked Questions
Healing time may vary between one month and 6 months depending on the treatment applied and where it is applied. If it is applied to your knee, be sure to use your crutches as shown to speed up the healing process.
How Long After Surgery Can I Take a Shower?
After the surgery, the patient does not do this because they have to come back to the hospital 2 days after being discharged for dressing. Patients can take a shower 2 days after the stitches are removed. Painkillers prescribed by the doctor should be used regularly.
How Long is the Processing Time?
This method, used for examination and treatment of damage to the joints, takes approximately 30-60 minutes.
Is Arthroscopy Surgery Dangerous?
As with every surgery, this surgery also has risks. Excessive bleeding during surgery, infection, allergic reaction to medications administered during surgery, or breathing difficulties due to anesthesia are risks of most surgical procedures.