Are There Risks of Prosthesis Surgery?
By: Assoc. Dr. ancestor
Are There Risks of Prosthesis Surgery?
As with all surgical interventions, prosthetic surgery has its own risks. These should never be ignored. Since these risks are known, precautions are taken against them before the surgery. The most common risk is the risk of infection. It is known among the public that he did not accept body prosthesis. Actually, there is no such thing. This is completely a prosthesis infection. It is generally seen in one in one thousand to ten thousand patients. Although this rate is not high, it is encountered from time to time. To prevent this from happening, the patient's dental and hygiene care is completely taken care of before the surgery. These prosthetic surgeries are performed in appropriate operating rooms under very sterile conditions. After the surgery, antibiotic treatment is applied for a certain period of time and the risk of infection is tried to be minimized. Secondly, the most common risk is the event of clotting, that is, called embolism. To prevent this from happening, blood thinners are used for a long time after the surgery and patients are made to wear compression stockings. All prosthesis patients are tried to be walked and mobilized immediately after surgery to minimize the risk of clot formation.